It's a great restaurant, very cozy. The kitchen is super.It's a pity that I was there not for fun but for a memorial dinner. The staff is polite, the waiters do their job very well. I want to go back there again, but only for fun
I really like this car wash, there is modern chemistry from liquid glass to wax. But it's better to call and make an appointment. Everything is high quality, but quality takes time, be prepared.
Была на свадьбе, третий этаж, кухня хорошая, Но ..официантов вроде достаточно, но как новички в обслуживании. И совет тому кто будет проводить торжество - обязательно следите за своим спиртным, на нашем мероприятии столкнулись с неприятной ситуацией со стороны работников заведения