They searched for the reason in two services, did not find it, turned here, did it quickly, inexpensively, efficiently, gave a guarantee for their work, everything works, the cold is coming. I recommend.
experts in their field (which is confirmed by the queue of zapeseyk them)!
they helped me with my question as soon as possible and for a price lower than originally expected!
Nissan primera, came to repair the condom, fumbled, climbed, sprayed with a spray gun, the verdict is all the rubber bands for replacement and necessarily the original and taeta are only the original, and most likely the tube included in the radiator of the kondei also misses and needs to be repaired. Total replacement of rubber bands tube repair and refueling 320 rubles. I drove into a nearby service, refueled with paint, immediately showed that the replacement of rubber bands in the radiator (there is a slight leak), repair and refueling 100 rubles