I absolutely support the comments below. The attitude towards drivers here is categorically disgusting. There was a case with the same driver twice in a row. In the morning, my child and I are going to kindergarten (near the feed mill), the driver did not even dare to stop at the bus stop, just drove and drove on until I started knocking on his stall so that he would stop. Yes, he stopped, but already at the intersection near the pharmacy "Belana", that he had to walk another piece of the road, roughly speaking from the market. And the distance is not small to the kindergarten. It's good that we're on a kid's bike.
The second case: today, 4. 11.2024, again, I drove far from the bus stop (near the kindergarten) to the bus.I had to somehow hold the bike so that I could get off the bus adequately, so I also jammed the doors. It was good that the child in the bike was in front. There is a feeling that the driver does not look in the mirror of the cabin in any way, what is happening.
Ответ на последний отзыв: во-первых водитель перед отправлением идёт в кассу, забирает путевой и кассир, скорее всего, его предупредила. Во-вторых: никто при посадке билеты не спрашивает. Сколько езжу, ни разу не спросили. У водителя есть кол-во купленных билетов и он максимум, посчитает людей сидящих в салоне
Да нормальный вокзал... Ну как вокзал, касса... Удобно, что с одной стороны ЖД, а с другой автобусная станция