В стоимость включены элементы окрашенные в цвет кузова, стойки дверей, фары и ПТФ, полоса на крышу, внутренние пороги.
Цены указаны для 1-го класса автомобилей.
6800 Br
Пакет «Лайт +»
В пакет входит оклейка антигравийной пленкой Fenix (210 микрон) капота, передних крыльев, полосы над лобовым стеклом, стойек лобового стекла, фар и ПТФ, зеркал, внутренних порогов, антиманикюр, кантов дверей, зон выгрузки, переднего бампера, компл...
2600 Br
Пакет «Лайт +»
В пакет входит оклейка антигравийной пленкой Fenix (240 микрон) капота, передних крыльев, полосы над лобовым стеклом, стойек лобового стекла, фар и ПТФ, зеркал, внутренних порогов, антиманикюр, кантов дверей, зон выгрузки, переднего бампера, компл...
Very cool guys!
I was looking for a company to put a protective film on the tugella.I asked my friends who pasted where, before Auto LTD, I found out the prices in 2 more organizations, I waited for commercial offers for a week, and the price was noticeably higher!
Here everything was as clear as possible, everything was on time, moreover, unforeseen work arose in the process, which was performed without increasing the cost and loss of quality!
I would like to mention the bonuses separately.
When I gave the car back, they called me a taxi!
When I picked up the car, it was cleaned from the inside and outside,
I also blackened the rubber!
In general, this is the case when expectations are lower than the real result.
Thanks a lot, keep it up!
When the service is capitalized. Connection, acceptance and delivery are all at an excellent level. Water and a discount card, not many people can do that. It's a small thing, but it's nice. I will recommend it. The job was done perfectly. Greetings from Song (Maxim)
We did it quickly and at first glance efficiently, the admin is polite and sociable, made a bonus on request, plus gifts of water and a discount card, as well as blackening of rubber. I really liked it