I had a problem today, my miracle BMW didn't want to start. It was necessary to solve the problem urgently, because without a car I am like without hands. I called Avto-help and ordered a tow truck. Before I could get ready, the driver called me and said get out, I'm here. I was shocked by such a quick pitch. They loaded it quickly and after 20 minutes I was already at my favorite service station))) I want to express my gratitude for such a service, I recommend it to everyone.
Thank you so much for your help! The car broke down right in the middle of the intersection, I was all stressed out, a traffic jam gathered because of my car, but this tow truck directly saved me: they arrived in 10 minutes, quickly loaded the car, helped me find the service, because while I was waiting and calling the services, they told me everywhere that they had a queue - in general, everything was done as quickly as possible, my head didn't hurt about anything! Thanks again!