I ordered a brook belt on the weekend, everything was very good until a certain point, until I picked up the belt and asked me to consult about the product that I was picking up (brook belt)
To which I received an answer, apparently from the richest business manager in this building, "I DON'T WANT TO CHECK"
Hello. The network is not bad, but the alerts are just infuriating- one order contains 3-4 parts, each part is delivered separately by suppliers, one today, the second tomorrow, and so on, but the notification system sends notifications that your order is ready for delivery when 1 part arrives, you come to pick up the order and there is only 1 part,you somehow filter it, we collected the entire order - we sent an SMS, the person came and took the entire order, and not to ride for every piece. And calling to ask you what came there is also not in the interests of the buyer.