A good shopping center, there is a supermarket, several cafes, a children's center, small shops of all kinds, you can get dressed, put on shoes, cosmetics, perfumes, tech, there is even a fountain near the coffee point, coffee, by the way, is good. But, the roof needs to be repaired, there are sins already. Overall it is clean and beautiful.
So far, this is the best shopping center in Lugansk, there is a free Internet and a good food court, on the ground floor there is a large grocery hyper, many boutiques. I noticed that our valiant soldiers are sitting and resting, culturally, without boiling water, then the military police do not react, although their cars are constantly at the building, on the lookout. In general, come, relax, buy, it's better not yet anyway.
Shopping malls from the early 2000s, by Russian standards.
Among the disadvantages: a "weak" chain store (I forgot the name) on the ground floor, paid toilets (!), unsmiling staff.
The most annoying thing was that the Wi-Fi is all(!!!) "screwed up." They don't want to give access without purchase.
Very high prices.
From the pros: I really liked it, in the food zone, the cafeteria "Ely-Paly"