I was busy with the additional drive of my power supply in the power bank, on the third day, the woman lovingly conducted me to the engineer in the cabin, I am competent in this power supply and may help. I came a couple of times, I didn't go to the robocomm of the programmer, I was right for the words of the engineer, a pardon (in the system, at my address, at my special address, I showed someone else's address, that nickname at the banks de I was small, I made payment for a whistle) as a result, I changed my mind about the engineer, so the programmer, I don't know the stink., as they helped me, they said to the type to re-enter into agreements, to be brutal to the head of the OSBB, that they would like to be rude to me, I myself do not know what I want them to do. Thanks to God, my friends have been listening to me and helped me. It's not so important to talk to people like that.