I want to express my gratitude to Alina for the beautiful bouquet! The bouquet is simply amazing! The girl is very pleasant, she will tell you everything and will definitely help!)
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the flowers are fresh, of different varieties, there is plenty to choose from, as well as greenery, or what you can dilute the bouquet with.
I was very satisfied, now I am your regular customer!) I recommend it!!!
I would like to thank AutaFlower.We will be with you every holiday from now on. The bouquet was decorated very quickly and beautifully. Beautiful packages, postcards,packages, always fresh flowers.Good luck and prosperity!)
We bought flowers for the anniversary. Thanks to the florist Alina, it turned out to be a gorgeous bouquet. The flowers are fresh, the choice is good))) We will definitely be regular customers)))
I was walking home and it so happened that I almost forgot about February 14th (But they helped me) a nice girl, I don't remember her name, made me a gift like this)