Традиционное казахское блюдо из конины и казы с отварным тестом
5350 ₸350 g
Лагман Цом ян суйру
3600 ₸200 g
Манты с рубленной бараниной и тыквой
6 шт.
3150 ₸320 g
Плов праздничный с казы и перепелиным яйцом
3940 ₸350 g
Ризотто с филе сибаса
Блюда из риса арборио, сибас, сыр джюгас
4880 ₸200 g
Куриные бедра
3590 ₸400 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
Of the advantages:
- a cozy family cafe
- beautiful interior
- delicious dishes
- a fairly wide selection of dessert
Of the cons:
- a beautiful waterfall, but it is necessary to change the water in time to avoid an unpleasant smell
- of course, we did not have time to try everything, but the preparation of certain types of dishes needs to be paid attention, such as sushi, perhaps sushi is not their strong point...
In general, friends liked it, the disadvantages are fixable...
We really liked it,
We had a good time, thanks to the staff! Cleanliness and order, samsa with pumpkin is very tasty! The kitchen is great! We often come here.
A cozy place, a pleasant atmosphere, I liked the service. The dishes and salads are delicious. This is the place where you want to return. By the way, delicious tea and pastries