In general, the horror is that doctors do not come on time, they work 2-3 hours, they do not leave in time, the record is always full and the queue does not reach and so every week. The doctors themselves do not know who takes it when they send it just to get behind them😒 I'm not talking about ultrasound at all🙄
Who's in charge anyway? Why is it such a mess? If he can't manage , let him make room 😕
About the clinic 3. How to write...previously, there was no coffee machine and a coffee machine has already been installed, and now you can take coffee from the machine and drink and wait for the doctor... The main thing inside is clean ...and there are pros and cons. When the doctor is a little late and the patients are waiting for the doctor during the appointment..
Our clinic, I go all the time, I like everything, except queues. Sometimes it's just terribly depressing. Our district doctor and nurse always keep their patients under control, they say, they remind them. Thank them for answering the questions and being attentive. Of course, there is some unprofessionalism, but this is overlapped if they are treated humanely and do not fake it.
1 Sanknizhkaga there is no coupon for X-rays,and those who do not have enough coupons, vrach the radiologist himself, as if deceiving a person by showing his character.He sings the sanknizhka, which is held 1 time a year.
Поликлиника наша, обслуживание хорошее, врач по участку, Айтмуханов Нурсултан, молодой грамотный, медсестры на его участки внимательные и доброжелательные, всегда звонят и предупреждают, единственное претензия к поликлинике зачем выписывают препараты от давления большими дозами по 10 мг, необходима нормальная доза по 5 мг или 2.5мг , высокие дозы бьют по почкам ,может это и выгодно по цене для вас, но в ущерб здоровью, думаю меня поддерживают пенсионеры, инвалиды кто на учете, просим учесть наши пожелания
Вакцинировалась в 3 поликлинике - мало людей, все организовано, доброжелательный персонал, предлагают чай/кофе/ конфетки пока ждёшь 30 мин после получения прививки.