AtriLine is an excellent carrier. Very comfortable minibuses, tactful drivers and operators. It is very convenient that the flights are frequent, you can always leave or reschedule the flight at another convenient time. Thank you for the wonderful work! I always want to come back to you!
I thought this story was exaggerated by my two sisters, but now I realize that it is not.
Drivers have some kind of inadequate trigger on their phones. They yell all the way, follow the rules for using phones (it happened several times). Although no one in the salon spoke so strongly as to interfere with anyone. I didn't really understand why it was said by the driver several times.
And the story from my sister is that she was talking on the phone, she was asked to put the phone down, which she did, since it was a morning trip and in general I understand that she could interfere with someone. Then she just sat on the phone, to which the driver told her to put the phone away, since your screen is shining. She made the brightness less, but the driver's next steps were inadequate: he stopped, opened the door and yelled "get out... of here."
Today, of course, this did not happen, but in general, drivers have some kind of injury on their mobile phones.
I would also like to advise you to work on your website, from which you can book a ticket God forbid 20 times, after receiving a stack of SMS codes.
Well, with the call center, where they respond as if you owe something.
In general, the entire service has 1 star on all fronts, unfortunately :(
It's usually not bad. Let's omit the cases when people, having changed their mind about going, do not cancel their reservation and you are forced to leave at 6 a.m. in a semi-empty minibus, although someone else could have been in the next seat. Because of such irresponsible passengers, very often people lose the opportunity to come to or from Bobruisk. Perhaps a partial prepayment would help solve this issue.
Flight 06.01.25, the minibus was delayed, and then did not arrive at all, fortunately it was replaced by another one. There was no message about the delay in sending, or the reason for the replacement of the vehicle, just an SMS with the changed driver's contact and the minibus number. It's all unpleasant. For 18 rubles (and there were three of us on this particular flight, respectively, 51 rubles), a slightly different attitude is expected. And we're already keeping silent about the chanson that screams throughout the trip.