A great place to relax.
A moderate number of board games, pleasant, responsive administrators who are ready to keep company with the same board games, the atmosphere is pleasant, each guest is given comfortable crocs for the time of arrival.
The top five!
The best time before the flight back and the place where you should definitely return.
A cozy and inexpensive coworking space in Minsk, a very pleasant attitude, came to work when there was a children's party in the institution, they took care that the noise did not interfere with work)
The maximum price for the whole day is quite acceptable - 25 rubles.
A great place in the city for those who do not know what to do in their free time and do not have a certain circle of people. I came recently, but I've already tried everything. Very nice administrators who will always prompt, explain and teach. Special attention should be paid to this. The second point is that in this institution and with complete strangers you feel at home among people you have known for a long time. I recommend.