В стандарт обследования входит:
Рефрактометрию (измерение размера минуса, плюса, астигматизма).
Визометрию (определение остроты зрения).
Тонометрию (измерение внутриглазного давления).
Периметрию (исследование поля зрения).
Биомикроскопия — метод ...
15500 ₸
Лазерная коррекция
Суть и отличие методики FemtoLASIK
Коррекция по методике LASIK подразумевает определённое механическое воздействие: полуавтоматический микрокератом формирует поверхностный лоскут роговицы, создавая необходимые условия для работы эксимерного лазера...
Payment method:cashless payment, payment by credit card, QR code, cash, installment, payment by card, prepayment, online, postpay, bank transfer, Fast payment system
Thank you very much, my daughter was over the moon from the fact that she put on her lenses and saw the letters in the distance. She says she couldn't see well beyond the rim with glasses. Our doctor Aelita Japarovna advised us to buy Moscow lenses. The lenses are great, the daughter is happy. Thank you for being there.
Thank you so much for restoring my eyesight! I can't remember a time when I saw it so clearly, 100%! I was afraid that they would not allow me to have surgery, because my eyesight was -5 / -7.5 at that time, but an experienced doctor and a team of specialists prescribed FemtoLASIK. I am very pleased with the result. Thank you very much!
Excellent service. Polite and most importantly very competent staff! The service is excellent. I really liked this branch. I definitely recommend it. Be healthy and take care of your eyesight together with our center