Если вы не хотите или не можете носить очки или контактные линзы из-за образа жизни или из-за особенностей профессии, лазерная коррекция зрения остается самым оптимальным вариантом.
Процедура весьма безопасна, проводится в течение 10-15 минут, дл...
I am very grateful to Astana Vision Clinic!
After laser eye correction, my appearance improved significantly. The operation was very easy and professional. The high qualifications and attention of doctors were exceptional. I fully answered all my questions and prepared me well before the procedure.
The recovery period after the operation was also light – the first few days there was mild discomfort, but it quickly passed. Now my eyes see much better than before, I feel very comfortable in everyday life.
I am fully satisfied with the services of Astana Vision Clinic! All procedures were held at the highest level, and I recommend this clinic to all my friends.
I had laser vision correction done at the Astana Vision clinic yesterday and I am very very pleased with the result. The operation itself was very painless, and the next day the discomfort in my eyes was gone. I saw this world so bright and clear. Now I can't believe my eyes that this is all happening to me. I would like to note that in this clinic all the medical staff is very sensitive and polite. My operating doctor was Azamat Darkhanovich Toktarov, an excellent specialist. I would like to thank all the staff of this clinic.
Many thanks to my doctor Azamat Darkhanuly!Thank you to the clinic for fulfilling my dream!The operation is completely painless and very fast. I see everything 100%, it's a very cool feeling to see the world with new eyes and new colors!Let your dreams come true!and thank you for the opportunity to do the surgery in installments.