Bu magazin juda zoʻr joylashgan .
Bu magazinda bozorlik uchun hamma narsalar juda arzon va sifatli
Bu magazinga borganda hamma ishlaringizni bitirib olsangiz boladi
Yon atrofida fast food , kiyim doʻkon , apteka , klinika, bozor , aksessuar va hamma kerakli narsalar bor menga bu doʻkon juda yoqadi
Our favorite store at home has an excellent assortment, wholesale prices, sellers and cashiers are all like family - they will help, prompt, friendly☺️👍 and I was very pleased that during the pandemic and lockdown, the store owner organized food assistance for the lonely and poor from neighboring houses, God grant him health and prosperity 🙏🙏🙏
The best shop on the 13th block😍👍 Large assortment, wholesale prices and very good, friendly sellers☺️👍👍👍 And I was especially surprised and pleased when the store's management organized food assistance for the poor and those in difficult situations during the first quarantine and lockdown☺️👍
It's a terrible store, the assortment is very small, in summer even drinks are only one or two bottles each and then not in the refrigerator. It's elementary, you go in to get something to drink, but there is no available, even plain water with gas. Horror. And they close either at 8, or at 9 pm. Since such a place is convenient, then open some sensible store in a different place, otherwise it's just this one, and then barely any