*При заключении договора на 12 месяцев и уплате страхового взноса единовременно или в два этапа - месяц в подарок!
Стоимость 0,5% в год от стоимости полиса (Например, если полис на 20 тыс, то взнос около 8 руб/мес).
20 Br365 d
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Good afternoon. I am very satisfied with the service at ASOBE, they promptly resolve any issues that arise, and provide competent advice. Very polite, prompt and friendly staff! Special thanks to the operator Anastasia No. 15. A polite, attentive, patient girl. I wish there were more such specialists.
I wish stability and prosperity to ASOBA Company.
Good evening! I am very satisfied with the service provided by your insurance company!Everything is always clear, to the point, in the shortest possible time, the staff is adequate, pleasant in communication (I especially want to single out Anastasia), everyone will listen, prompt, explain! It's a pleasure to work with professionals in your field!
This is the first time I use the services of this insurance company, I am very satisfied! We are pleased with the quick responses of specialists and confirmation of services. I really liked the fact that for medical insurance, it's enough just to go to a pharmacy - any branch of a supported pharmacy chain, rather than calling the pharmacy and then the insurance company to coordinate where and what you will buy.
Thank you for the kindness and courtesy of the staff!