An ordinary shopping mall with a play area for small children. There is a supermarket, ATMs. For those who live not far away, it is normal. And there is simply no need to go there
Ашылганына 1 жыл гана болган сауда орталыгы. Не издеп келсенизде барин тауып аласыз... Тамак, киим, бояу, шаш кигызып, балаларынызды кииндирип не болмаса балаларынызды ойнатып. Салат, жана пыскан бауырсак , тамак, тез дайындалатын фастфут жане т.б
Terrible attitude towards children. There are workers chatting, they don't look after the children at all. One child almost fell when climbing the wall. Why do we even need this climbing wall if there are no adults around? Some of the children were crying and none of the employees even approached them. Why do you need so many employees if no one actually works. Although no, they work, but only 2 people, the guy who accepts the money and the girl who sticks a piece of paper on the children's hands. This is their maximum job that they do.