IC "Hinoshin". Do you want to raise a child's fighting spirit? This way for you. A beautiful gym, friendly teams, a good coach is a professional in his field. Fun, beautiful, difficult. We have been bringing our son here for more than six months, he is afraid to miss at least one training session, he catches every word of his teacher. For each of the students of "Hinoshin" Viktor Evgenievich is an indisputable authority. They don't babble here, they don't wipe their snot, but here they appreciate those who, no matter what, go to their goal. Training camps, difficult trainings, competitions - everything your child needs if he is not afraid of difficulties and chose karate. Come- you will not find the best karate in this city! Parking is available nearby
The best club of the United Kingdom "Hinoshin" and the best coach Malashkevich Viktor Evgenievich, approach, motivation to each child. At competitions, everything is always with places, the first places in the team standings. If you want results, go here.