The situation is worse than anywhere I have not met!!! I brought a humidifier to the air repair "replacement plasmas pipe is blowing on the street" in a week they said they would pay for repairs and then pick it up. I paid and took the humidifier with the lady. The lady brought it does not turn on and then took it back to the repair shop of the artel service. Here I was informed that the humidifier was replaced inside the spare parts "micro chips", I tell them in response, I am the only time I have only kwam prenes for repair, who will replace it? When I first set the humidifier, it was in working condition, but I had to change the plastic tube. And no one knows the pile of guilt . So I thought that Uzbekistan is the only serious Artel company. But this is a company or repairers. For example, I used to work with Samsung when it came to remon SAMSUNG always pleased me with its discounts and quality, SAMSUNG appreciated my time. So what's the deal