Armie, this is a good company. This is if you choose from two options, such as good or bad... The very specifics of the Army just as a business are, of course, sharpened for the cunning * poor beggars of passengers who are looking for a freebie in life, but for the Army it's just a business and nothing more... Namely, for the Driver, if you choose to work as a taxi Driver, then against the background of the rest of the shitty rumors, Armie looks many times better than all the other Huyashki, stotryashki, nekstyashki and the like... In short, I advise my friends Armie, if you really choose from all the slag, then it is Armie, this is not the worst of the options. Of course, there are comments, but compared to other taxi types, these comments are not even noticeable... But the good buns in this program and the Army itself are noticeable very well... In short, I'm for and with Armie...