According to legend, it is the burial place of a great wrestler who won competitions in India and refused a large reward in exchange for the return of the captive inhabitants of these places. Then a cemetery was formed next to him, because people believed that lying next to him was a blessing, and then the local ruler decided to lie down next to him. Then ordinary people were moved and a mausoleum and a mosque were erected. Then the premises for the ruling dynasty were completed, but they did not have time to fully use them - the Soviet government came!
Beautiful authentic old town. Perfectly preserved. It feels like you're being transported back several centuries. It looks especially impressive in the evening, when the lights turn on and the city becomes sparsely populated. An evening walk through the old town leaves a wonderful impression
This is a real oriental fairy tale! If you are planning a trip to Uzbekistan, be sure to visit Khiva. I recommend staying in the Ichan Kala fortress itself, there are many good hotels there. Ichan Kale has everything you need to stay - hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops, souvenir shops. The fortress has been preserved almost in its original form, so staying there will leave a lot of positive impressions.
A very beautiful place, a wonderful architectural, historical monument left by our ancestors, an oriental fairy tale with beautiful patterns, a place for pilgrimage for many Muslims!
Pahlavon Mahmud (1247 – 1326) maqbarasi – Samarqandda Shohi Zinda, Buxoroda Bahouddin Naqshband maqbaralaridek e’zozlanadigan o‘zbek, turkman, qoraqalpoq va boshqa xalqlarning muqaddas ziyoratgohi, Xiva me’moriy obidalari ichida eng chiroyli va hashamatlisidir.
Maqbaraning umumiy hajmi 50x30 m bo‘lib, dastlab Pahlavon Mahmud qabri ustiga XIV asrda mo‘’jaz sinchkori imorat qurilgan. Majmuaga shimoliy tomondagi darvozaxona orqali kiriladi. Darvozaxona eshigidagi yozuvga ko‘ra, Pahlavon Mahmud majmuasining darvozaxonasini 1701 yilda Shohniyozxon qurdirgan.
Gumbazning naqshin bezaklari, asosan, moviy rang sirli sopollardan terilgan. Bino ichkarisi nafis bezatilgan. Uning izorasidan tortib gumbazli qubbasigacha oq va moviy naqshli bezaklar orasidagi kitobaga Pahlavon Mahmud ruboiylari bitilgan. Xonaqohning g‘arbiy eshigi orqali ziyoratxonaga va maqbarasiga o‘tiladi. Unda Pahlavon Mahmudning sirkor sag‘anasi joylashgan.
Pahlavon Mahmud majmuasidagi asosiy binolar Odina Muhammad Murod boshchiligida qurilgan. Bezaklarini Mulla Nurmuhammad Qalandar o‘g‘li, So‘fimuhammad Abdujabbor o‘g‘li va Abdulla “jin”lar bajargan. Ziyoratxona eshigi tashqari eshik usta Nurmuhammad tomonidan (1810) ishlangan. 1960 yilda usta Ro‘zimat Masharipov ishtirokida qorixona va ayvon ta’mir etilgan.
Pahlavon Mahmud (Puryoyvaliy, Qitoli) – shoir va mutafakkir. Tasavvuf yo‘lidagi ulug‘ peshvolaridan biri. Fors-tojik tilida ijod qilgan. Po‘stindo‘zlik, telpakdo‘zlik bilan shug‘ullangan. Saqlangan rivoyatlarga ko‘ra Hindiston va Eronda polvonlikda dong taratgan. Shunga sabab, Pahlavon Mahmud deb atalgan.
A very attractive place, a colorful combination of the Middle Ages and modernity. You can climb the fortress wall and one of the minarets, and if desired, spend the night in one of the buildings that previously served as a madrasah. Today, hotels of different levels are located in many buildings. There are no grocery stores on the territory, but a large number of cafes and restaurants will not let you disappear.
It's just fine, about 26 hectares of the beautiful old town, where if restored, then not everything is fine. Ordinary people live there, you can see how they live. There are many picturesque places. In general, I really liked it)
I think this place is a must-visit. The locals consider him a saint. But it is advisable to take a guide or at least read or listen to something about this place yourself. Without it, it will just be a beautiful tile
An excellent tourist destination from which to start sightseeing in Uzbekistan, it is imperative to take a guide who will guide you through all the hairpins with stories about the gates of those centuries, madrassas, minarets and so on. After that, move to Bukhara, and then to Samarkand. Thus, you will see the development of the region from the earliest times to our time. If you don't have much time to visit Uzbekistan, it's worth flying from Russia not to Tashkent, but to Urgench, from Urgench to Bukhara there is a train at 7:00 or a plane for 1 hour, then you can see all the main things in 4 days, and not in seven as all travel companies offer. For accommodation, it is better to choose hotels inside the fortress, then you will see the fortress in the afternoon and evening with lighting, this has its own charm, without heat and crowds of tourists. There are restaurants inside the fortress. The local population lives partially in the fortress, at about 18:00, when people break up, they go outside, children play ball.
I lived in the Arkanchi hotel on the territory of the complex, it is so romantic, as if in an oriental fairy tale. The hotel is cozy, clean, kettle,tea, coffee, shampoo, gel, hair dryer. Breakfast buffet- royal breakfasts! Where else can you eat honey melon for breakfast! Unforgettable emotions, impressions of the complex! It's just a miracle to live on the territory of the fortress! In the evening, the lighting is breathtaking! I highly recommend it for a visit, you will not regret it!
If you go to Khiva after the rest of the Silk Road cities - Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara, there is hardly anything surprising in the architectural complex in Khiva.
In general, everything is pretty, except for the chipped mosaic on some buildings in certain places, apparently due to the fact that the town is small, no funds are allocated for the restoration of the complex or a minimum is allocated.
The complex is part of the Ichan-Kala architectural monument. Entrance is paid with a single ticket, which is valid for all museums inside the fortress, and costs 150,000 soums. There is nothing particularly remarkable inside the complex, all the same mosques and madrasas, souvenir vendors everywhere. But if there is a single ticket and time, be sure to visit.
I strongly advise you to visit this complex. There are theatrical performances, and you plunge into the times before our era. Everything is great there
It's an amazing place. It was like being in a movie about Central Asia, Scheherazade, Ali Baba and 40 robbers. However, I haven't met any robbers here yet. There is trade, currency exchange (it is better to take dollars for exchange), cafes, guest houses and hotels) It's beautiful, very beautiful.
It is better to see once than to hear a lot. A fabulous city, a complex inspiring the spirit of that time, bright colors, ornaments - all this is fascinating, you want to visit these places again and again
Everything is so ancient, original, unusual! But it's bad here without a guide: there is little information in Russian, mainly in Uzbek and English. And anyway, the guide will tell you much more than you read!
This is Love. At 6 o'clock in the morning, in the middle of May, it was as if we had arrived by a time machine. I immediately remembered the Soviet film about Aladdin.... We wandered in silence, alone and in a fairy tale. But now the city began to wake up ... what a delightful impression of all the colors, polyphony, smells of fresh tortillas.
Entrance to the Mausoleum is paid separately (20k soums), not included in the single ticket. It is beautiful, very fine and spectacular decoration of the main building.
See original · Русский
Наталия Архарова
Level 11 Local Expert
January 6, 2023
An interesting place. I was lucky with the weather. It is necessary to live only inside the old city - it is very atmospheric.
Because there are 3 reasons here.
1. I live in Khiva and the Mausoleum of Pahlavan Mahmud in Khiva.
2. This place is very very very very beautiful and historically.If you see Arabic words in the walls you are interested.
3. The ornament of this place is very beautiful.