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Учебный класс на《ул. Суворова》(ост. «Ковалёво»):
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February 17, 10:03
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Учебный класс «в Центре» на пр. Машерова, 17А...
December 20, 2024, 18:22
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Updated: January 16
Курс Водитель-международник
Курсы водитель-международник в Бресте
Учебный центр "Аристотель" предлагает вам несколько видов обучения по программе Водитель международник.
Подробнее - https://aristotel.by/kurs-voditel-mezhdunarodnik/
150 Br
Категория "B"
В нашей автошколе вы сможете получить весь необходимый объем знаний и навыков, которые необходимы, чтобы успешно сдать экзамен на права категории В.
Внимание! Цена актуальна при соблюдении акций указанных на нашем сайте.
1068.96 Br
Категория "А"
Обучения на права категории А в автошколе Аристотель в Бресте. Доступные цены и качественное обслуживание!
Подробнее - https://aristotel.by/kategorija-a/
I would like to express my gratitude to the administration of the driving school for the opportunity to study comfortably.
The coolest driving instructor is Sergey Ivanovich. A professional in his field. Explains it very clearly and well. With a sense of humor, a sensitive attitude to his "wards", a competent approach to the process of learning to drive.A man with a capital letter!
I express my gratitude to the theory teacher Gennady Nikolaevich for high-quality training and a clear organization of the educational process!
I passed the theory, the circuit and driving around the city the first time. It was a cool 3 months of training. Everything is easy and positive.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Aristotle Driving School for its impeccable training and professionalism!
From the very first day of training, you can feel the individual approach and care for each student. The instructors are really experienced and patient, they explain everything clearly and easily, which is especially important for beginners. The training program is thought out to the smallest detail, each lesson is interesting and intense. Also, this driving school has a large number of classes scattered throughout the city and each class has a different training time. Since I was a student, I was enrolled in evening classes, wed. Fri. at 18.00, but on Friday I couldn't walk because of couples, but such problems can be discussed with the instructor and go with other groups since there are 3 of them in one class. Many thanks to the traffic instructor Ilya Sergeevich, who explains in clear and simple language difficult moments (can be repeated more than once or twice if you don't understand). As for driving, everything is also fine there. Instructor Dmitry Sergeevich and others understand that some have never even been behind the wheel and at the same time they teach driving well in the allotted time. If you are a visiting student like me, they will be happy to show you the city's different districts.
The administration is always ready to help and answer any questions, which creates a friendly and supportive atmosphere.
Thanks to the Aristotle driving school, I not only got my license the first time, but also became a confident driver. Many thanks to the whole team for your hard work and care! I recommend this driving school to anyone who wants quality training and confidence behind the wheel.
I want to say a big thank you to the Aristotle driving school for the opportunity to study with them. I really liked everything! Super comfortable training, theory was taught by Viktor Viktorovich, a classroom on Pionerskaya Street. He explained everything clearly, the presentations were great, the best theory teacher! The best driving instructor is Nikolai Alexandrovich! He has an endless supply of patience! I reacted calmly to all mistakes, sometimes we laughed together because I was deaf. Just a professional in his field! I wish there were more of them!
Thank you very much to the administration for answering all questions, respecting customers and providing comfortable training.
Aristotle is the best driving school!