Взять в аренду виброплиту или нет? Я думаю да стоит!
С помощью виброплиты можно сделать много полезных вещей таких как выравнять основание п...
February 14, 11:11
Взять в аренду перфоратор или дрель?
Когда становится вопрос смогу ли я дрелью просверлить бетон? Наш ответ нет! Вы или перегреете дрель, чт...
February 13, 11:30
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Updated: February 27
Аренда инструмента в Гомеле
Ищете где взять в прокат инструмент в Гомеле. Добро пожаловать к нам, наши специалисты всегда рады вам помочь
15 Br1 pcs.
Прокат виброплиты
С помощью виброплиты, вы можете выравнять основание под бассейн,
дорожку, плитку, заровнять горячий асфальт и многое другое
30 Br1 pcs.
Аренда (прокат) Виброплиты бензиновой BIM 086
Виброплита BIM 086
Виброплиты (вибротрамбовки) отличная вещь, которая применяется на подсыпках под фундамент, подъема пола песком (перед заливкой бетона ), под выравнивание для газона, бассейны и много другое
I want to express my gratitude for the excellent service in renting a tool! I rented a cleaning vacuum cleaner from them and was pleasantly surprised that I got a discount as an Instagram subscriber. The staff is very polite and attentive to customers, helped them choose the right tool and told them how to use it. The vacuum cleaner turned out to be in excellent condition, clean and tidy. Thank you for this approach to work and taking care of customers!
I took a drywall lifter in this rental. I arrived on Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. we signed a contract for 4 days, that is, until Saturday. There is a call at 8:30 on Friday, you can return the lift today. Since the new tenant wants to move faster.I said I could, but only in the evening after 18:00 because I work myself and I actually have the rent until Saturday. To which I was told that they work until 17:30 and that on Saturday morning I should be like a bayonet in a place with a lift. Well, Ok. I live not far away and in the morning I just had to go past the rental car on business. But life has made its own adjustments. And the sutra did not work. Only from 11:00 to 12:00 On Saturday at 9:00 we are waiting for you, where are you with the lift. I explain the situation that I can only do it from 11-12, to which they tell me that yesterday, that is, on Friday, I could start the tool since they worked until 21:00. And now I have to pay them extra for one more day of rent. Since I allegedly missed the return time. And that the new tenant can't do any work for me either . (Simple Brigade) To which I said that if I pay for another day, then they will receive the lift on Sunday.The phone was hung up on the other side . After a while , a call from another number . It was a new tenant. We agreed to meet with him
in the city. As a result: the new tenant came to me with a new contract and took the lift himself. Of course, I did not expect such a trash when renting an instrument.
Excellent service,the tools are in good condition, the staff helps with the selection and explains how to use them. I liked everything, I already rented a mixer and a circular saw. I advise everyone👍