In principle, it's not bad, all the slides worked, BUT during the rummaging in bags, looking for food or water, my daughter had 2 mentos candies and gum, which she forgot to leave at home, a shaggy, bleached woman with an impudent face took it away from her and put it in the locker, saying that she was throwing it in the trash. While we were in the park, we walked near her several times, and saw how she shamelessly ate the selected ones: nuts, sweets, including mentos of my daughter, when we left, we asked for mentos back, she rudely replied that she had thrown it in the trash. We were not happy with that! You can also organize a pay locker from the outside for storage, everything happens in life.
Аквапарк немаленький, но компактный - все рядом. Много горок разной степени экстремальности. Чисто. Есть лежаки, есть бассейны с волнами и без. Вежливый персонал. Из минусов - маленький выбор блюд в точках питания. В целом нам понравилось, мы бы вернулись.
Много локаций: горки для взрослых, для детей и совсем для малышей. Кроме того несколько бассейнов, пенная дискотека. Еда понравилась не очень - из меню были бургер с картошкой или омлет. Но ребенок остался доволен