I didn't like working at night. Often there is only one seller who has to constantly go to the warehouse for goods, which takes a lot of time. Daytime work is also not organized rationally. There are queues in some departments, and sellers are "bored" in others. In comparison with the period when the pharmacy opened, the work of employees deteriorated, the choice of medicines decreased.
A huge selection of medicines. Fast service despite the large number of customers.
See original · Русский
Азамат Дулат
Level 9 Local Expert
August 3
A little more expensive than the others. Not all ticket offices are always open, especially in the evening when rush hour is from work.the queue is long.at night from the window as in the days of the Soviet Union)))) the time of alarm cameras and near the traffic police is even more so
Отличная аптека. Есть всё. И лекарства и шприцы и системы..бальзамы крема лечебные.. аппараты для измерения давления..глюкометры..трости... . ходунки..ну всё.