I wish I could give ZERO stars. The experience was HORRIBLE overall. I sent an email that has not yet been answered. One of the receptionist lied to us after we had requested that our bed sheets be changed.
They were just folded, but not changed at all. For two days we made requests and nothing was resolved. When another receptionist came to the shift, she told it was impossible to change because the hotel was overbooked, and there WAS NOT ENOUGH NEW BED SHEETS FOR EVERYBODY.
I ask the management of the hotel: how can it be?
How can it be that you STILL DID NOT ANSWER MY EMAIL?
How can it be that the receptionist lies to us instead of telling the truth?
Matter of fact, we recorded the conversation with both receptionists: the first one (the horrible) and the better one (the second). All the audios and the videos and pictures have been sent via email.
Also, in the breakfast section room, the woman responsible for it was often rude and made bad comments about other guests while talking to other employees.
Good Hotel, but expensive. The good thing for tourists is that they provide you with Registration and other quality things. If you are new to the city you can stay here for few months