A terrible store with crazy prices. We wanted to go to the airport shopping center first. But the taxi driver started trying to persuade you to go to Anton, the prices there are cheaper than everywhere else, he sang songs that there are fixed prices and no one will bother you. Persuaded, let's go. We were greeted kindly, but then it started. I started asking where from, etc. I started sniffing tea, coffee, spices, oils. He said their store was the best. As a result, they left 70 Baku rubles and didn't really buy anything, all sorts of junk. I arrived at the hotel completely disappointed.
The name of the shopping center speaks for itself. Consumer goods at exorbitant prices. I agree that it's a resort area, but it seems to me that prices should be more realistic. For refusing to buy anything there, it threatens an instant change of mood among sellers in their attitude towards you and rude remarks in your direction. Savages!
And the pharmacy, in general, "100" points - the prices are space. It's easier to find a government pharmacy on the map, call a taxi and buy everything at a fixed price. And then, you will be better off than buying here, even one product range.
All products in the store are about three times more expensive than in other places. Sellers praise your country, bring tea and make new compliments, just to position you and sell more goods. But if you decide to leave the store without buying, they show aggression. They shouted after us that we had wasted their time, that all Russians did not appreciate the work of others (and we immediately said that we had only come to look and did not need to accompany us around the store). There was uncontrolled aggression on the part of the seller. I advise all Russian speakers not to visit Anton stores in Hurghada. Save your nerves and money.