Anchor Park is very interesting for its concept. Here the park is divided into two parts. The first part is a park with ancient streets of Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva. Here in these streets you can find artists and artisans. You can buy painted lyagans, caskets, embroidered chapans and a variety of jewelry souvenirs. Everything is in the national flavor. And also, here you can get to various art workshops. There are cafes and restaurants with national cuisine.
The second part of the park is modern attractions for adults and children. There is a playground, a large Ferris wheel, cable cars and go-karts.
The most important thing is that it is very convenient to get to a small shopping center without leaving the park. Where there is a market, a food court, a children's area and clothing stores.
A great place to have fun with friends and family. There is a wide variety of entertainment for all ages, and the atmosphere is always bright and exciting. A great place to spend an unforgettable day!
A large amusement park. A must-see Ferris wheel, as well as miniatures of all the key attractions of Uzbekistan near this wheel.
I also really liked the neighborhood, which imitates an ancient Uzbek city. There are cool souvenir shops with very affordable prices.
A good park, an interesting idea- each part of the park has the name of the cities of Uzbekistan and the corresponding architectural buildings in a small format, and it is also interesting that this park has a Pottervill - this is a place where you can try yourself as a potter and personally make, dazzle, glaze anything - flower pots, cups, bowls, figurines and stuff.
🌟 Anhor Lokomotiv Park – Toshkentning Eng Chiroyli O‘yin-Sayohat Maskani! 🎢🌳
Agar siz Toshkentda chiroyli manzara, qiziqarli attraksionlar va maroqli hordiq izlayotgan bo‘lsangiz, Anhor Lokomotiv parki aynan siz uchun! 🎡✨ Bu joy nafaqat bolalar, balki kattalar uchun ham ajoyib dam olish maskani! 🌿🏞️
🎢 Attraksionlar – 10/10!
Bu yerda adrenalinni his qilishni istasangiz, Roller Coaster aynan siz uchun! 🎢🔥 Ushbu attraksion juda tezkor va hayajonli! 3D kinoteatr esa sizni boshqa dunyoga olib ketadi – vizual effektlari shunchaki ajoyib! 🎬👓 Shuningdek, avtorally va katta g‘ildirak (Ferris Wheel) kabi attraksionlar ham bor – u yerdan Toshkent shahrining chiroyli manzarasi ko‘rinadi! 🌆😍
🌊 Yashil tabiat va go‘zal muhit – 10/10!
Park atrofida Anhor kanali joylashgan bo‘lib, u joyni yanada chiroyli qiladi! 🌿🌊 Kunduzi quyosh nurlari suvda aks etib turadi, kechqurun esa chiroqlar yoqilganda juda romantik manzara hosil bo‘ladi! 💖✨
🍕 Kafelar va tamaddixona – 9/10!
Agar och qolsangiz, fast food va milliy taomlar sotiladigan joylar bor 🍔🍟🍢. Muzqaymoqlari juda mazali va arzon! 🍦😋 Lekin ba’zi joylarda navbat uzun bo‘lishi mumkin, shuning uchun oldindan rejalashtirish kerak.
🎶 Ko‘ngilochar dasturlar – 9/10!
Bu yerda tez-tez turli konsertlar, bayramlar va festival tadbirlari o‘tkaziladi! 🎤🎶 Ayniqsa, yoz kunlarida yashil hududda jonli musiqa bo‘lishi juda yoqimli! 😍🎷
💰 Narxlar – O‘rtacha va maqbul!
Barcha attraksionlar unchalik qimmat emas. Oilaviy dam olish uchun juda mos keladi! 👨👩👧👦💵
📍 Umumiy baho: 5/5! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Bu joy Toshkentdagi eng yaxshi istirohat bog‘laridan biri! Oila, do‘stlar yoki sevgan insoningiz bilan kelish uchun juda ajoyib joy! 🥰🔥
P.S. Agar boradigan bo‘lsangiz, kechqurun borishni tavsiya qilaman – chiroqlar yoqilganda park juda go‘zal ko‘rinadi! 🌆✨
In the evening, the atmosphere is festive, there are a lot of animators, small children have plenty of space, but it's probably financially difficult for parents if there are several children in the family. It's time to introduce family subscriptions as abroad
There is not enough shadow
It is not difficult to make an artificial shade in the year 24, there are necessarily a lot of benches in the shade for parks
A great place to shop and relax. Polite and unobtrusive staff in boutiques. A food court with a large selection of different types of cuisines. The Italian restaurant is on top. Amazing service, gorgeous interior, great cuisine
A small shopping center, there is a food zone, a Macro supermarket, a children's entertainment area and several shops. There is a Sports hall “Chehov” on the second floor.
Good quality goods in small shops, a good Macro supermarket inside with an excellent selection of desserts, well, and other necessary goods. There is a parking lot nearby. There is no jostling.
The building is interesting, there is now a place to bring guests, photo shoots, souvenirs and mood at once. The prices are not high, you can bargain well. Great location in the city center
I tell my son, this is Our playground. There are even options where adults will not be bored. For example, the quest rooms. Shooting gallery. Or drive a car.
It is very convenient that there are shops inside...both clothing and grocery stores.
Shops and footcourts, slot machines for children and a gym for those who are older.)))) Plus one of the branches of the grocery store chain. Modestly, but there is everything.
It would be necessary to improve the cinema, otherwise it feels like an abandoned building, there is no light, it is very dark in the lobby. The halls may be small, but there are not enough staff.
It is a pity that nothing is being done to promote it. It's a nice park, but there are no trees yet, maybe it's too new a place, and they haven't grown. But in the summer there will be a shower without vegetation. A very original place with a national flavor, it's a pity it wasn't thought out for the comfort of people.
On Sundays there is an oriental bazaar, you can find everything your heart desires, there are shops, there is a food court, clean, pleasant atmosphere.
See original · Русский
Level 7 Local Expert
April 16, 2024
Overall, there are more pros than cons. The prices are slightly higher than in other parks, but there are many attractions that you will not find in other parks.
Positive: Lots of attractions,clean,food court,cinema,sometimes concerts
Minuses:Overpriced prices , begins to work actively in the evening
See original · Русский
The Chach
Level 11 Local Expert
May 17, 2024
Everything is fine, but it closes at 11:00, it's bad
When it's very hot in summer, 11:00 is early after work, you don't have time to walk, and it's not convenient for foreigners, they vaccinate to walk in the evening
See original · Русский
Ахад Махмудов
Level 5 Local Expert
December 16, 2024
The worst park I've visited in my life. Operators are conflicted on children's cars. And also such dirty rides
Without knowing it, buy yourself something for sure, a lot of interesting things have appeared
See original · Русский
Сергей К.
Level 6 Local Expert
March 5, 2023
The park is getting bigger and more interesting, the shopping area on weekends is transformed for the better, there are many shops with handmade goods. Great people, great workshops.
Everything is fine , the most important thing is for tourists and citizens of Uzbekistan to learn more about Uzbekistan , the buildings of different regions of Uzbekistan
A good children's shopping mall where there is little to find for adult traffic.
- Availability of a game room with vending machines and a playground
- A large branch of Makro supermarket
- The music is too loud in the toilets and rooms of the mother and child. It is impossible to put the baby down.
- The food court has dirty floors: stains, crumbs and puddles from spilled drinks
The place is interesting, you can find almost everything from attractions and a food court to interesting team activities like lazertag. It was the best evening with friends