30 minДиагностика и лечение заболеваний центральной и периферической нервной системы, последствий инсульта, невралгии различного типа, головных болей, мигреней, остеохондроза и пр.
I turned to this clinic to a rheumatologist, for an injection into the knee joint, a doctor was appointed Moskvin K.A., first of all, this procedure should be sterile, the doctor not only did not treat the injection site, but did not even wash her hands, loose hair, a loose robe, the drug itself was not diluted, and shoved a syringe into the joint with such the pain that I had a painful shock, after this manipulation, my knee hurt for a week. There are almost no people in the clinic, apparently because of such a negligent attitude towards patients. I definitely do not recommend, especially this doctor, a boorish attitude, shouted at me that I did not say that it was necessary to dilute this drug with novocaine, they did not take off a small amount of money.
Прошел курс лечения в клинике. По результатам сказать пока не могу, так как процесс долгосрочный. В отношении сервиса вопросов нет, все понравилось. Доктора заинтересованы в пациенте, много уточняют, подробно рассказывают. Массаж и карбокситерапия ставят на ноги. Сотрудники ресепшн приветливые и помогают с возникшими вопросами. Рекомендую