I bought a magnificent bouquet of chrysanthemums of a delicate pink color, the recipient of the flowers was incredibly pleased. I also purchased an original item. Vases in the form of a small handbag. She was very suitable for the bouquet
A wide range of colors. They will make up any bouquet. They'll decorate it beautifully. And the store itself is ALWAYS decorated very brightly and unusually! Super!
Greetings to all! I happened to be near the house where this flower shop is located. And I couldn't pass by without looking in there. When I got inside, it was like I was on a heavenly planet. What a variety of colors there are! Vases, vases and vases filled with flowers. Figurines. The friendliness of the store's employees also did not leave me indifferent. Of course, I ordered a bouquet for myself. While the staff was putting together a composition for me, they offered me coffee. I refused coffee, but I noted to myself that I would DEFINITELY return to this store. And I will recommend it to all my friends. !!!