The customer orientation of the staff, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. After my question about the colors of the stand, a completely uninterested employee (a guy) replied, "it's on the second floor, in the warehouse." Silence. Next to him sits the same imperturbable auxiliary worker with his hands folded. "Well, you pay for the goods first, then go pick them up." That is, we are the only customers in the entire store, we have to pay for goods that we have never seen before, and then go to the warehouse for them, instead of the employees moving at least a little. Theater of the Absurd ticket office. The worker watched us pay and said, "Send it to the warehouse or do you want me to bring it to you at the store?" In my opinion, this is how it should be. It's your job. In a word, it's a disgrace. They don't know what they think of themselves. Employees of the year.
A nightmare, a nightmare! Not only are they located on the 3rd floor, it is very difficult for the elderly, pregnant or with a child to get there... We came to buy a chest of drawers, we completed all the documents, we thought we were going to load the goods into the car, but it was not there. It turned out that the chest of drawers in the warehouse, which is the devil where, in the central market, for peas and go faster, they close in 15 minutes (in fact, it turned out we had 30 minutes before the warehouse closed)! We arrived at the warehouse, found a little, there are few signs. They loaded a chest of drawers for us. But the most interesting thing is that a week later he was lying at home before his son arrived to collect it and it turned out that the chest of drawers was NOT the RIGHT SIZE! It turned out to be larger than what was bought, it did not fit into the opening allocated for it, in short, call again, take it again, change it and waste your time, as a result, it now lies again a week before the next arrival of your son to collect the RIGHT size! Yes, maybe it's our fault that we didn't double-check what the movers shipped to us, but it's their job to find the right product! In general, be careful when buying!