All the best, the school is very good, the teachers are very skeptical, explain everything in an accessible, popular and understandable way. Personally, I liked everything. Special thanks to the teacher, Alexander Butsanets, too, thanks to him everything was clear to me. And of course, there would be nothing without an experienced, high-quality instructor. In general, he is a master of his craft - ALEXANDER PRANOVICH.Thank you so much for your professionalism, patience and understanding. Thanks to you, I have achieved what I wanted. In general, guys, the school is good, I recommend it to everyone. All the best. Yuri Dubina
She studied at the driving school "Amfud". A good driving school. Excellent teachers. The theory was led by Denis Alekseevich - demanding, principled, and executive. Thanks to his approach to learning, I passed all the tests and sections the first time. Many thanks to Alexander Vasilyevich Prankevich, a practical driving instructor, for his professionalism and inner culture. Classes were easy, without stress and tension. His driving style, multitasking in the process and recommendations for overcoming fear, relaxing behind the wheel, without losing vigilance instill confidence and calmness. You want to feel his presence for a long time during self-driving. I wish the driving school successful and grateful students. I wish the instructors good health, happiness, and success in the most responsible work. Let your students drive on our roads according to the rules competently and without accidents! As Alexander Vasilyevich says, they enjoy riding! Thanks everyone.
I do not recommend driving school to anyone, the theory began in June, driving only on September 10 somewhere, and then after numerous calls from the administration, if there are no cars and instructors available, then why take more groups??? The theory is explained as everywhere else, but there is a claim to the theory teacher, the attitude towards students leaves much to be desired... Driving not only started late enough, but they started the lesson only once a week, so it took even longer. The instructor also often stayed late, arrived later than the appointed time, I can understand when it happened several times, but it was on a regular basis. Of course, there is no escort in the traffic police, you go and take it yourself, all this is still stretching.
At the expense of Natalia Stanislavovna, a theory teacher, the driving school takes out. Incompetent behavior of driving instructor Pavel Ivanovich. With him, classes took place less than the prescribed time, it was impossible to sign up, there were no places, it was good if you managed to get to classes once a week. This instructor allowed himself to leave the exam, explaining that he had a private lesson in 10 minutes, leaving him on the site at the traffic police without a car and, accordingly, without an instructor. Thanks to Alexander Nikolaevich Zherdetsky for looking at the situation, helping and providing his car and supporting. Also, the driving school goes longer than promised, instead of 3-4 months, it lasted 7. In general, I do not recommend this driving school.
A good driving school. The teacher explains everything well and points out all the important points in the book. They often drew diagrams and added something (which helped a lot when handing over tickets)
I lead the instructor:
I had a wonderful instructor, Alexander Pranovich. An ideal instructor for me, calm, explained everything, did not shout if there were mistakes, explained what and how.
We rode with him wherever we needed to, in order to have a wonderful driving experience and not be afraid to drive, thanks especially to him for this (my friend from another instructor at this driving school did not ride where I rode)
He prepared me for the traffic police 100%, showed me the most popular places, told me what and where to do, and also calmed me down so that I would not worry once again, so I passed 2 times with 1 minor mistake.
Super teacher, I highly recommend him!!!
I'm writing how I passed my license. I studied with Natalia Stanislavovna, so that you understand, I did not miss classes (there were classes on SAT) and because of this I did not even open a book on traffic rules, as she explains, I cannot describe. No handwriting like at school, just illustrative examples and associative explanations for memorization. Medicine is also led by a very cool woman, so it is clear that men fainted when talking about arterial bleeding)) the main advantage of this driving school (including the director) who took the exam is that there is no pressure that this is an extremely difficult and serious event. Didn't pass? Well, never mind, or study and come back. I was afraid that in the driving school, as many people say, there would be "abyakavast" from the teachers. I thought they would just serve time, but I trusted the reviews in the maps, where Natalia Stanislavovna was often mentioned.
I rode with Vladimir Lagodich. I was afraid to get to some strange person, I often heard stories about harassment or complete jokes. I didn't have that. I taught it well, we rolled it all out, at least 25 lessons (if memory serves)I've never even been driving before.
Thank you so much for being able to give such a good recommendation now! I'm glad I chose this place and now I'm a driver)))
I myself am a person who graduated from this driving school and already got my license a few years ago. In fact, I will not call a driving school good or excellent, I do not recommend it to anyone, I send all my friends and acquaintances to another one. Although I studied specifically not here, but in the amfud network. The main problem is the lack of group delivery, which entails: instead of a conditional one day under ideal conditions and your skills, you will have rights, under the same conditions everything will stretch for 2-3 months, and if something is not ideal, then you can take it to the traffic police for months, or even years… According to the teachers: everything was cool in theory, in practice, the cunning bug was terrifying, he taught me how to teach, but how much money and emotions I invested to get the cherished rights - I can't count…
A disgusting driving school, at the beginning of the conclusion of the contract they talk about some conditions, after graduation it is completely different, as a result, they pay twice.
Пишу отзыв, надеюсь будет полезен определяющимся в выборе автошколы (сама выбирала из трех автошкол, отзывы сыграли большую роль в выборе),а также хочу поблагодарить тех, кто помог стать ВОДИТЕЛЕМ.
ОГРОМНАЯ БЛАГОДАРНОСТЬ автошколе "АМФУД" за преподавателя Дедову Наталью Станиславовну и инструктора Прановича Александра Васильевича - профессионалов своего дела. Пожалуйста, берегите их как зеницу ока и очень поощряйте их работу - нелёгкий труд, чтобы на дорогах было побольше их бывших учеников/курсантов.
БЛАГОДАРЮ преподавателя по теории НАТАЛЬЮ СТАНИСЛАВОВНУ. В теории сила! Насколько возможно вложить в голову знания, настолько ловко, умело и профессионально Наталья Станиславовна преподаёт теорию,с примерами, схемами, рисунками, вовлекает в процесс полностью(чуть ли не с бубном танцует). Не запомнить не получится!
БЛАГОДАРЮ инструктора по вождению АЛЕКСАНДРА ВАСИЛЬЕВИЧА за переданные знания по вождению, за терпение, уважительное отношение, отзывчивость, спокойствие на занятиях, передачу опыта вождения (это тот случай, когда ты окончив автошколу, не ищешь другого автоинструктора!).
I draw your attention to the fact that the school is registered in the region and you will have to take it either by registration (if you don't have a Minsk one), or by taking a live turn after going through ten circles of hell, but the instructor will tell you about it at the first lesson about 2-3 months after the start of the theory.
Трубки берут с 13:00-16:00, не перезванивают. Закончите вы её, все сдавая вовремя через 6-7 месяцев. Нету инструкторов по вождению, нет преподавателей по медицине. Никому не советую
Выражаю огромную благодарность инструктору по вождению, Лагодичу Владимиру! Спокойный, тактичный, вежливый, речь поставлена настолько граммотно, что два раза повторять не нужно, доносит материал касаемый обучения так, что поймет даже ребенок. Огромное Вам спасибо, Владимир! Если бы не ваш профессионализм в области вождения, то была бы я без прав, а так, даже принимающий в ГАИ был восхищен моей ездой на экзамене и поинтересовался даже, кто тот инструктор, который научил так граммотно водить. Еще раз огромнейшее Вам спасибо, Владимир, за ваш не легкий труд и терпение к ученикам! Дай Бог здоровья Вам и всей вашей семье! А автошколе хочу пожелать побольше таких инструкторов, как Владимир!
Добрый день. Хочу выразить огромную благодарность инструктору по вождению Алексею. Сдача была 21 февраля 2023 г на Е кат. Спасибо вам большое. От Прохоров Ю. С
Хорошая школа обучение теорию рассказывают доступно,понятно уважительное отношение к ученикам ,инструктор по вождению очень позитивный,интересно поясняет на все вопросы отвечает,терпеливый
Лучшая автошкола! Наталья Станиславовна лучший преподаватель, всем советую только к ней идти учиться, круче ее нету. Пересдачи дешевые, что очень сильно радует . инструктора хорошие , машины как и везде, есть хорошие, есть уже старенькие . но если автошкола, то только эта!