Any store is near and not expensive in prices, it is very convenient for ordinary people to live. Access to Astana is convenient, schools are located nearby
If this area was described in the book: "Myths and legends ...", it would be written something like this:
After the creation of the city, the Gods loaded Everything old and unnecessary into a britzka and took it for recycling. But the road was bumpy and after another bump, some of the Houses and Playgrounds fell out ... The cart drove on. Time passed. People were walking by and saw the abandoned goods... Somehow they put it up without fixing it and began to live in it. ...
There are practically no urns there: plastic buckets tied (apparently so as not to be stolen) to a tree are used as a garbage can, construction bags are at the entrances or under a tree full of garbage, and garbage containers are overflowing ...
In general, returning from there, I planted flowers in the yard.