The long-awaited Nike air max 2013 sneakers arrived, turned out to be a cheap fake, we will definitely distinguish the original from the copy. There is no barcode, no notation on the labels, even after holding it in your hands, you were convinced that it was not the original.To pay 818 rubles for a copy, it's fat)))
Things have not gone well with this outlet (even the store sounds loud for them) since the beginning of the order. We ordered sneakers for 818 rubles, the amount is decent, but it can be seen that profit is not important for this organization, as well as customers. The website says delivery to the regions for 4 days, everyone is fed breakfast, they sent a non-existing tracking track. And they already say that the delivery is in a week, we probably calculated the date we needed.They compose on the go.It's faster to go to Minsk by ourselves, but not to you, but to your competitors.
It's good that at least they didn't make an advance payment, or they would have been without money and without sneakers.
We came from St. Petersburg, bought converse and immediately on the first day of the socks, these are the surprises. I do not recommend buying converses in this store, I doubt that the original. And there is no way to come to the store to be outraged because in another country.