Отличный отель, как для семейного отдыха, так и для молодых пар. Здесь все найдут для себя отдых,как активный,так и релакс, огромная территория это позволяет. Питание тож разнообразное,каждый найдет себе вкусное блюдо. Для детей много развлечений,детские теплые бассейны и аквапарк. Берег с песочкам и вход в море комфортный. Перед отелям,свой коралловый риф, множество рыб.
An excellent hotel for both families and young couples. Here everyone will find rest for themselves, both active and relaxation, the huge territory allows this. The food is also varied, everyone will find a tasty dish. There is a lot of entertainment for children, warm children's pools and a water park. The beach has sand and the entrance to the sea is comfortable. In front of the hotels there is a coral reef and a lot of fish.
We stayed at the hotel from October 10 to October 16. The staff is friendly, the hotel is very clean, the room is cleaned and towels are changed daily. The food is good, there is plenty to choose from (no one
was left hungry). The beach is clean, there are enough sunbeds. Entering the sea is sand. Be sure to take a swimming mask (even if you can't swim, you can just look under the water or swim in armbands). The bar starts working at 10 a.m., there are soft drinks, juice (taste: orange, apple, pineapple, guava, mango), beer. You can have lunch on the beach, but it tastes better in a cafe. There's also ice cream in the afternoon.
There are plans to come to this hotel again.