Alcarama is not the same as it was 10 years ago . There are a lot of sellers, they put on all sorts of hats. If you want a more or less replica, ask the fake master. Many watches, bags, and clothes will be laid out there. To find the right product, you need to spend a whole day and that's not a fact. If you don't buy anything, they shout after you, damn you. If there is nothing to do, then welcome.
The main thing here is to find your seller who will be faithful to you and make good concessions. And don't be afraid to bargain, ask for the "best price".
There are very good and high-quality branded items and it is impossible to distinguish at first glance from the original.
I expected more, I found this place thanks to bloggers on YouTube, but I was disappointed when I visited. The price/quality ratio is not impressive, and the choice is too. Approximately the same can be found in Russia in showrooms
It's just a nightmare!
You won't find anything useful here!
The locals don't give you a pass, the quality of things is disgusting.
It's a pity that we wasted our time on this.
I consider a trip to this place useless- high prices for low-quality goods.
"Copies" of brands at a low level, at the price of real brands in Dubai malls.