The pharmacy is terrible, they drop calls, they don't answer WhatsApp, they can't order medicines in the Caspian, they didn't report one package of Rozulip for 16 thousand tenge, if they work like this in the holy month of Ramadan, which they can talk about at normal times, they profit from pensioners, they also don't respond to Kaspiy, in general, afferists, the courier can to confirm that I brought two packages, there was no third, there is a recording of video cameras with the courier, you need to go write an application to the police department, for 16 thousand tenge and the police department probably won't figure it out, and besides, I can't get up sick.
It's a terrible pharmacy. I ordered apple cider vinegar Elixir, and another one arrived. Kaspi did not allow you to leave a review because it did not pass moderation. There was no foul language in the review.