There was a disgusting teacher in basic subjects- mathematics, literacy, who screamed, many children were afraid of her. The child complained constantly that the teacher was raising his voice. Or is not strictness. During the year of study, she did not teach my child the basics (it turned out upon admission to school). Ordinary, adequate conversations did not help resolve the situation until the studio director intervened in the last month of training. At the end of the year, the knowledge was at the level of 4/10. In a month of lessons with a tutor, she learned more than in a whole year in the studio in these subjects. Conclusion: - it was better to spend 5-6 months on a tutor than 9 months on attending these classes. I am most dissatisfied with the result of the knowledge that was given. Thank you for the experience that has shown that you always need to listen to a child, and not an "adult" who cannot cope with himself and with children.
Академический центр Start качественно подготавливает дошкольника к школе. Казахский, русский и английский языки, грамота и математика, логика и психология, театр и искусство - это далеко не полный перечень предметов... Работает с детьми также дефектолог и психолог. Выпускники центра легко поступают в гимназии и лицеи, а в обычных школах, как правило, учатся весьма успешно.