• Ta’lim maktablardan ko‘ra yaxshi.
• Institutga kirsangiz dars vaqtlari, tartiblarini o‘rganasiz.
• JTda katta maydonda 1 soat futbol. Parallel bo‘lmaydi.
• Kitob olib kelish shartmas, lekin katta ehtimol bilan majbur bo‘lasiz (500K ketadi kitoblarga).
• Stipendiya olish uchun stipendiya pulidan 2 baravar ko‘p pul ishlatasiz.
• Ko‘p imtihonlar bo‘ladi.
• Ko‘p narsa va’da qilishadi, aslida unday bo‘lmaydi
• Bino, sharoitlar eskirgan.
• Juma kuni dars 13:30 da tugaydi.
In principle, it's not bad, I go there every day. Of the advantages, I can mention good food. This is where the advantages end
Of the cons
- it is very difficult to sit for 4 pairs, the human body is not yet adapted to such loads
- a bunch of unnecessary BIOLOGY-type subjects.
Seriously? Isn't the lyceum polytechnic? Yes?
-there is no entry and exit system provided. Students have to go around the entire lyceum to JUST GO INSIDE THE BUILDING. While the teachers and everyone working there come in from the main entrance. Oh, how convenient. I wish we could do that.
- We also have a huge football field, but we are forbidden to play there. Another invisible wall that we can't get through.
In general, I have nothing against it, I liked the lyceum, and everything I wrote here is nonsense, because I'm graduating from the lyceum this year anyway :)
Undoubtedly, the best lyceum both in Tashkent and in the whole republic. Starting this year, an English group was opened, where training takes place in English. All the teachers are very strong, know their subject and explain it very well. The lectures are informative.
A very good lyceum with huge opportunities! After enrolling in this lyceum, in a couple of years, you will automatically transfer to the 1st year of TTPU, as there are very good teachers here. There are also various kinds of competitions in football, volleyball, robotics, etc.