They discouraged all desire to be treated already at the consultation stage. The dentistry is located in the basement, there was no one at the reception. I asked the doctor who could consult, and a woman came out who doesn't know anything. I asked for a price list, to which she asked: "Do you even have insurance?" To my question, why insurance if the treatment is paid, she replied: "I was just asking." As a result, she took out a crumpled old price list, and when I tried to take a picture of it so that I could study it at home, she snatched it out of her hands and said that she could not take it off. In general, they do not inspire confidence!
Very strange dentistry. A basement room, in an old house of some kind. After going downstairs, a woman sat at the reception, who knows nothing about what, where, how much it costs, all questions to the doctor. Okay, I thought. There are a bunch of certificates hanging on the wall, the authenticity of which I question. The equipment of the last century in the truest sense of the word. After examining me, Anna Grantovna suggested that I get an X-ray. When asked how much an X-ray costs, I was told that it costs 1000 drams. Okay, I thought. I was put on a chair next to the washbasin in the same room (the room is not large, has 2 armchairs and a washbasin, which is not fenced). After taking an X-ray, using a device in the form of a large pistol, I was naturally told that all teeth should be treated without exception. It's like in the good old stoma basements of St. Petersburg. A familiar school, I thought. Next, I was offered to pay for the X-ray in cash without a cash register and they charged me 5,000 drams. I asked what kind of game, the price was 1000 drams. They answered me, this is the price for one picture, and we decided to make as many as 5. Probably to be sure. Okay Next, I asked about brushing my teeth, they told me that another doctor was cleaning, and that he would be there only tomorrow, I took this into account and was about to leave, as I was told, but no, Anna was mistaken, he would be in half an hour. I agreed to the cleaning in half an hour. When I got to the appointed time, I went to the reception, asked how much cleaning would cost, of course the reception is not aware, and all questions to the doctor. When I went to the doctor, I asked how much it cost, the doctor asked Anna in Armenian, Anna answered in Armenian, then Anna said that the cleaning was 15k. I decided to do a cleaning, the cleaning turned out to be average. At the end of the cleaning, I was asked what problem I came with, answering that one tooth was bothering me, I was told that after treating it, I would immediately need to treat the neighboring one. Taking this into account, I did not appear there again. Summary: Armenian divorce stoma with pseudo doctors.
Good doctors are working. What I liked about the clinic is that they consult with each other. It turns out that the client is under the supervision of several doctors