Приглашаем Вас совершить незабываемый полет на воздушном шаре в Минске. Огромный опыт и высокий профессионализм лучших пилотов Беларуси превратят ваш полет в увлекательную обзорную экскурсию.
We flew with my husband, it was my birthday present. A group of 12 people, colorful, fun, easy and not at all scary.
On the next ball, the heart, the guy proposed to the girl)
The pressure was quick and gentle . In the end, there was an initiation into aeronautics with stories about balloons, a beautiful name certificate, champagne ..)
I liked everything very much, I recommend the flight.
It was amazing!!! I wish everyone to experience that state, the feeling of fairy tales and magic!!!It's safe!!!I was with my daughter for 11 years!!!Thanks to the pilot, the flight was great!!! I conquered the sky, I wish you continued!!!
Thank you so much for the organization and care!!!
I flew this summer at dawn🌞It was very hard to wake up so early, but it was definitely worth it! Tiny houses, all the most incredible and everything is at a glance. A complete lack of feeling of height, just you, the dawn sky and the magically beautiful nature