Аэропорт неплохой. Поначалу было не разобраться в расположении терминалов. Но, если разобраться, все довольно просто. Поезд с тремя вагончиками курсирует часто по кольцевому маршруту. Главное, не ошибиться и не выйти на станции гостиницы, т.к она находится между двумя терминалами и в спешке легко запутаться. Эта станция никуда не выведет, только к стойке регистрации на втором этаже.
The airport is not bad. At first, it was difficult to figure out the location of the terminals. But if you look at it, it's pretty simple. A train with three carriages often runs on a circular route. The main thing is not to make a mistake and not get off at the hotel station, because it is located between two terminals and it is easy to get confused in a hurry. This station does not lead anywhere, only to the reception desk on the second floor.
An airport is like an airport. The queue is really long, the border guards are more meticulously interrogating those with a Russian passport. At least everyone in front of us was allowed through quickly, and we were interrogated. Perhaps they have such a protocol now. We also flew from this airport to New York, which I liked because there are a lot of places to charge phones and stuff.