Legal entities services:transaction support, arbitration, contract law, debt collection, recovery of lost documents, legal business support, tax affairs
Promotions:discounts, special offers
Individual sevices:personal lawyer, family law, inheritance law, labor law, disputes with banks and credit institutions, copyright protection, judicial fact-finding, transaction support, consumer protection, compensation for injury, land law and real estate, criminal lawyer, bankruptcy, civil law, support of reproductive technologies, familiarization with the case materials in court, recording of court sessions
Payment method:prepayment, cash, payment by card, electronic money, bank transfer, installment, online
Работала с юристом Галиной Коротковой по земельному вопросу. Осталась очень довольна. Сработали быстро, без долгих прелюдий, результат тот, что запрашивала. Коротко, ясно, профессионально. Рекомендую этого специалиста