I applied to One Window, and there is one answer to all the questions about the manual.: "probably"! It is a pity that in the modern world the work of the administration is set in such a way, but this is the face of the district and the city! Once the changes were made, all procedures are now through a "single window", at least competent staff should work there. I can imagine what they would say if the answers to their absolutely any questions sounded like that.... It's a pity, it's a pity that it's not for people! There are no parking lots, no consultations! "And Vos" will accept the documents))
I got to a highly qualified specialist of one window Surmachevskaya Victoria Vladimirovna. They explained everything very clearly. The most pleasant communication:)
Useless and lazy girls are sitting in one window, talking all sorts of nonsense, just not to work. We went to the administration of the Zavodsky district with the same question, solved everything in 15 minutes.
I want to express my deep gratitude to the head of the Frunze ration, Sergey Anatolyevich Shkrudnev!!!
A real civil servant, holds his position with dignity and really solves human problems.
Fedorova Oksana
We are a large family, today on 29.06 we came to the camp for children's certificates, on the administration's website the working time is from 8.45 by this time the guards did not let us through, saying that they work from 9.00, launched (reluctantly, after my indignation) us at 8.48, and indeed it is written on the door of the 411-412 office from 9.00. Question: what is the information on the site for and for whom? Why did I leave the children alone, I had to sit not for 15 minutes, but for 30, although we arrived early to be the first.
I supplement my review after visiting the 412 office, we were not given a certificate, since there was no work husband, he is an individual entrepreneur and they need to make sure that he does not work yet. That year, we took a certificate in the same office, we did not bring a labor certificate, to the question where you can see what documents are needed - the answer is, read the resolution))) that is, do you need to sit down to study decrees, resolutions, additions so that a mere mortal does not screw up? And what is the website for?? Write information to people. They also gave me advice to call, I called, Tuesday and Wednesday on two numbers, no one ever picked up the phone.
Many thanks to the first Deputy head of the administration
A line to Nikolai Nikolaevich for meeting with the population in the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 38 of Minsk" dated 06/15.23. For attention to the problems of citizens, for literacy, competence and the impression of "a man in his place".
See original · Русский
Level 3 Local Expert
February 18
Rude staff, why recruit such people and why don't they explain to anyone that they should communicate normally, and not aggressively respond to me
I want to say that the one-window service on Nemanskaya Street does not cope with its direct duties. They cannot name the list of documents to be submitted in case of early use of family capital for medical services. They are not tactful on the phone, they show their personal grievances, they hang up the phone with the threat that difficulties will arise during registration, since she did not name the medical service for which the VKK has already been completed. In Calvary, the staff is more competent. Thanks to them.
I would like to thank Natalia Vladimirovna Malakhovskaya, Head of the Department of Trade and Services, and Yulia Alexandrovna Stanilevich, Chief specialist, for their professionalism, responsiveness, indifference and attention in solving the issue of consumer protection.
I came to stand in line of the apartment as an orphan, I brought all the documents that they themselves said, went into the office, a woman was sitting, checked everything, called a man to help her, he started yelling why not all the documents.
The service is not high, they can not help in any way, they do not know their position.
People are treated like animals
Please provide assistance in resolving the issue. The service No. 128 of Housing and Communal Services No. 9 of the Frunzensky district of Minsk, on the basis of a fake contract, credited the amount for the provision of video surveillance services in zhirovka (they said that there was a contract signed by the owner of the apartment from the service provider, but this was a lie. The owner of the apartment, E.G. Karasev, has not been in Belarus for 2 years. His apartment is rented by me (mother) on the basis of a general power of attorney) the tenants did not sign any contract. After contacting the Service No. 128 of the Housing and Communal Services No. 9 of the Frunzensky district of Minsk, I was given 2 phone numbers at which I was offered to contact the counterparty, but both phones are not relevant. One number has been used for a year by another physical person.the person (child), the other is generally out of access. I ask you to assist in canceling the amount that the housing Department exposes to me on the basis of an alleged contract with some scammers.
This is not a service to the people for which citizens pay taxes, they do not fully ignore the appeal, they do not know how to use legal acts
See original
Level 9 Local Expert
June 29, 2021
Official MOCKERY of people!
What is the essence of "one window" ???
To transfer a gas pipe or a second tap for the oven, you just need to go to the organization...ispalkom "one window"
* 1 Come with a passport and all adult residents to ispalkom and pay (gift) the service 14.5 rubles.
* 2 Next, you will be sent to the Housing Department for an act. You will be calling there for a long time, and after that the master from ZHES will go to you every day. In the evening, he will call with the words: "I don't know what you want from me." But in the end, the Act will give you. (It took two days)
*3 With this act, you will need to go to the LREO.
*4 After a week of waiting , you are .....You will be the HAPPIEST person AGAIN with a passport to . ... ispalk in One Window
And this has never been MinGaz!!!!
Red tape and bureaucracy.! No one cares about anyone because they have ascended too high and the slaves do not care.! Laughter and the clink of spoons in mugs can be heard in the classrooms.!