As it turned out, the range of sports shoes is not complete. There are no gaming basketball shoes for teenage girls in the product line. Otherwise, no comments: comfortable, polite, professional sellers, a convenient place for comfortable selection and purchase of sportswear.
Adidas is not the same as it was 2-3 years ago.
Both in terms of quality, assortment, cost and service, there are complaints. There are things like rags, shoes and shoes.
I bought sneakers at this store. Like an original, high-quality product should be! One!!!! They didn't live one day!!! And I put it on in the office, I didn't even run. Full of junk for a lot of money!!! Alas, I am from the Russian Federation and I cannot return this slag.
A good store. We bought my wife sneakers, trousers and a T-shirt. The seller worked politely, clearly and attentively. We were satisfied with the purchases. We will be in Minsk, we will visit again.
We wanted to buy sneakers in this store, the price tag was 230 rubles, we tried it on, went to the cashier. 319 rubles are punched at the checkout. To the logical question "what the hell?" they answer - the price at the checkout is correct. We say that there is a different price on the price tag in the window, we go to check until we get there, the second seller tears off the sticker with a low price and explains that the price was changed, but the price tag did not have time to change. Of course, we did not buy sneakers there and it is unlikely that we will ever go there again. The answer came to the entry left in the complaint book and the offer that the sticker was not a price tag, so they were not to blame for anything, and did not even apologize.