It was finally completed. It's huge. You can fly anywhere in Africa. And not only in Africa. The planes are modern. There are a lot of 787 dreamliners. But there are cases with torn chairs and broken TVs. The boarding gate is primitive. Plus there are waiting rooms with a large number of seats. A fairly modern airport. The disadvantage is the huge number of people. Food outlets and shops are all there.
A good airport, especially for those who fly business class - a separate lounge with very good service. Duty-free shops are not sufficiently provided with goods. What is absolutely bad is that the staff in them is illiterate.
given the large number of connecting flights, the airport is too small. There is no good shopping here, there are several duty free shops, but the assortment is small. There are few restaurants. In general, you will not die of hunger, but nothing more. There is a pharmacy.
In general, you can wait 4-5 hours for a transplant, it's already hard.