Convenient location, check-in from the inner ring road. Departure to Koltsevaya, Prytytsky, Odintsovo, Skripnikov. Shop, coffee, snack. Automatic washing. Self-service car wash. Almost always without queues. Qualified and courteous staff.
Convenient location near the Moscow Ring Road.
The staff is polite and friendly.
There is a self-service car wash on the territory of the gas station.
A robot car wash deserves special attention.
There are four programs to choose from.
There is no need to leave the car.
The quality of the sink is at the highest level.
One of the disadvantages is the queue (it can take up to 20-30 minutes).
A robot wash from time to time. Once it will wash everything perfectly, after the second it is all streaked and dirty dried drops. Sometimes the dishwasher is buggy, you have to call the operators. At the gas station, the usual situation is one operator - a queue of 7 people, other operators either clean up garbage or smoke.