It's cool, it looks beautiful from afar, but the place where the letters are is a little wrong. Flocks of crows spend the night on the trees that stand around in the spring and autumn period and the letters are all the time stained. Therefore, it looks just disgusting up close. In my opinion, it is better to move them to another place. In my opinion, there is a good place opposite the entrance of the Dionysus store on the forecourt, where spontaneous artists perform, and you can put a "MOVA".
This installation is very well located, right under the nests of birds)
All year round, you can take an analysis for chlamydia from this design. It is better not to sit on this structure with food, because there is a chance of getting an unplanned topping)
Хочу сказать, что отличный проект для отдыха детей, студентов и молодёжи воплотили в жизнь в скверике напротив БЕЛГУТа ! Там интересно, многолюдно и днём и поздним вечером! Есть яркие качели с подсветкой в вечернее время, скамеечки с подзарядкой любых гаджетов и фонарика и установлены, в сквере заменён старый асфальт на красивую, узорную плитку. Очень приятно посидеть, и отдохнуть, и поработать в тени этого уютного скверика!