M. Ordered some of the most delicious sushi in the city for the first time and most likely not for the last time. The sushi itself is large, the fish are not spared, just like in crabs, but it tastes much tastier due to the chilled salmon. The rice is really kind of sticky. The price tag is average in the city for such quality rolls. The establishment itself is small, there is a specific smell of fish inside, but it is not critical for pickup. Externally, there are problems with parking.
Some of the best in the city! Everything is always fresh, lots of fish and good size rolls. It's obvious what you're paying for. The store always smells delicious. You can choose something from the actual availability when you pick up the pre-order. The chef's salting is also great!
Those who write that it is tasteless, are obviously used to vinegar rolls with rice porridge from the store.
We come to you from the other side of the city and do not regret a bit.
Top3 sushi Minsk. A fair price for such portions. Always fresh. Pickles, sushi, crab, there is a freeze. There is no delivery, only pickup. Plan your order. The demand is huge)